Case Study
Zox Sends Email Game That Generates 2.5 million Clicks and 6x Boost In Revenue
Read on for how CMO Brandon Kuipers devised an innovative game to create record engagement with their audience using Spellbound.
Brian Blum
November 21, 2023

Zox is a leading accessories company focused on collectible bracelets, Smart Watch bands, and more.

They have built a massive and loyal audience over its last 12 years of being in business. However, being in business that long comes with a challenge: how do you  keep someone highly engaged and active?

Doing so requires new content, ideas and innovation.

So, CMO and Co-Founder Brandon Kuipers tasked Spellbound to build an interactive email game the likes of which their fans had never seen before.

The result? Over 2.5 MILLION clicks, a 6x revenue boost over other static emails in that time and thousands of thrilled, re-engaged customers

We chatted with Brandon in depth about his experience working with the Spellbound team to learn how it all came together.

The Problem

Being one of the top selling bracelet companies in the world comes with some perks.

One of them? Customer loyalty.

People wear Zox’s bracelets daily, so much so that it becomes an extension of their identity. As a result, engaging with their audience is a crucial component of Zox’s marketing strategy.

“We always are looking for ways to stand out from other DTC brands. Email is a channel that hasn’t seen a lot of innovation over the years, so when I found out about Spellbound, it immediately got my gears turning with fun ideas.”

The Solution

Taking inspiration from Feastables 500 Clicks game, Brandon had an idea. What if they created a live discount “pot” where for every click, one cent was distributed as a discount to customers. The max someone could get was $10, a 60% discount for a $25 bracelet.

Here’s the kicker: the total amount available was $25,000 off. Once that ran out - customers could no longer get a discount.

Creating FOMO and urgency led to a significant lift in orders from the email. More importantly, it generated a ton of intrigue and activity from their community.

“People were excited for it. It’s something that created buzz in our communities and got people talking about it. I think that clicking it and watching it go up is oddly satisfying for a lot of people. A lot of people clicked it up a bunch just to see how quickly they could click it and then shared their codes in our groups via DM’s.”

The Outcome

Having sent such a cool game, Zox’s diehard fans were hungry for more.

Now, Brandon plans to use this style of game in their strategy nearly once a month. By conditioning his audience to expect this style of game, the team forsees engagement exploding.

The result of that engagement? Improved domain reputation, landing in more primary inboxes and ultimately - more shots at generating revenue from their emails.

“Earlier this year, we started to look at moving email platforms. Once I heard about Spellbound through a friend, saw some of their case studies, and talked to a few customers, it really locked in our move to Klaviyo just so we could work on interactive emails. Seeing the value in creating interactive games in emails is what really led us to changing email platforms.

What’s Next?

Following the success from this game, Brandon plans to continue pushing the boundaries of email interactivity in the future. Zox has already seen lift in open rates and engagement on subsequent emails. By sending the game in early November, it was a helpful effort to ensure better email efficiency leading up to Black Friday.

Now, the Zox team plans to integrate Spellbound’s SMS, Reviews and Quiz widgets into their flows strategy as well.

Keen to use interactive emails in your marketing strategy? Book a call today!

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