Case Study
Gainful Collects 16x More Data On Churned Customers With Interactive Surveys
Read on for how Gainful is enriching their CRM with interactive email.
Brian Blum
November 15, 2023

Gainful is a sports nutrition company that offers subscriptions to its line of protein powders, electrolyte drink mixes and more. To date, over 3 million people have completed Gainful’s personalization quiz, and the company boasts well over 850,000 orders.

Like many subscription focused brands, churn is the #1 enemy of Gainful’s retention marketing team. The sports nutrition space is highly saturated with competing brands and information, which means keeping customers and providing bespoke customer experiences while incentivizing loyalty is always top of mind.

Their first foray into interactive email? To better understand & reduce churn.

When a customer cancels their subscription, they are required to provide reason as to why. Using this data, Gainful partnered with Spellbound to implement an interactive winback survey that leverages the churn reason to provide a personalized winback offer. Instead of having to click out of the email to let Gainful know why they were cancelling, customers can seamlessly input that information in email.

“Spellbound allows for an incredibly deep level of personalization, and results in 3-4x higher engagement than linking out to a survey or form.” said Senior CRM Associate Sarah Oliver

Once they give their answer, Gainful responds with another prompt related to their specific cancel reason.

Let’s assume the customer indicated they were working out less. The next question Gainful asks is, what is the reason for that? Depending on their answer, Gainful offers a gift with reactivation that’s tailored to that specific painpoint.

Gainful’s winback survey creates a real two-way relationship between them and their customers. It isn’t about maximizing the amount of subscriptions kept - its about creating as many positive experiences with the brand as possible.

The craziest part about the winback survey? It’s submission rate. Despite getting sent to a disengaged cohort of customers, the survey has an average completion rate of ~25% across the various flows. When compared to their previous winback emails with an average click rate of 1.5%, this is a 16x (!!) boost in engagement from lost customers that helps the Gainful CRM team shape their strategy moving forward.

“Personalization is a necessity to build trust with customers. We decided to work with Spellbound to gather more information on what our customers want, and create engaging and unique experiences for subscribers. And it's been nothing short of that!” - Sarah Oliver, Gainful Team

We can’t wait to continue supporting the Gainful team as they build a world-class personalized experience for their customers.

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