Case Study
Dr. Squatch uses Spellbound to drive 30% more SMS subscribers per email campaign
Read to see how legendary brand Dr. Squatch leverages Spellbound's Postscript integration to drastically improve its SMS sign-up conversion rate from email
Brian Blum
June 20, 2023

The Need To Know

  • Dr. Squatch used Spellbound's embedded SMS opt-in widget to drive more SMS subscribers from email.
  • The interactive emails generated ~30% more SMS signups in an A/B test
  • Now implementing interactive SMS opt-ins across all SMS Campaigns and all Flows

Why grow your SMS list?

When you’ve scaled for 10+ years, the options to use as levers for growth become slim.

Dr. Squatch has built an incredible brand since their launch in 2013. As an early adopter of the Shopify ecosystem, they experienced hyper growth over the past decade.

A huge portion of their email list was collected before the rise of today’s SMS platforms. As a result - one of their main initiatives is growing the list of folks subscribed to both email & SMS.

They signed up to Spellbound to help drive more SMS consent with our seamless Postscript integration, and we sat down with Andy Hamm, Lifecycle Marketing Manager, to chat through how that went.

What has the experience been like?

“Its been awesome. The Spellbound team is one of our most invaluable resources. Just in how supportive they’ve been through the process, super responsive, available seemingly 24 hours a day to answer my questions.

The software itself makes a lot of sense with one of our biggest initiatives this year being new SMS subscriber acquisition. If you can remove unnecessary steps in the process, you’re naturally going to increase conversion. Between ease of integration and support of Spellbound team, there wasn’t any lift from our team to setup, and it’s made an impact from day one.”

Has the project been successful?

“We’ve run several A/B tests and gathered enough insights at this point to say we have seen a significant lift in SMS acquisition. On the last test we ran, we saw a 28.6% overall lift on the total number of opt-ins, resulting in a 48.1% higher conversion rate from email openers. YTD we have had the most successful SMS acquisition campaigns in our company history, and Spellbound has been a big part of it. Lift from the test before that was north of 30% as well. “

The other cool benefit is it enhances the UX in our email marketing. Making it more streamlined for our customers to engage with the brand is always helpful to us. One thing we’re interested in expanding to is the embedded surveys feature. If we can get similar lift to our survey collection, that’s so much more data available to shape our lifecycle strategy.”

In Summary

Dr. Squatch chooses Spellbound as their SMS list growth tool due to ease of integration, robust customer support and demonstrable ROI from day 1 of sending interactive campaigns.

Interested in doing the same? Book your demo here

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